Report Center Metrics and Dimensions

    Metrics for the upcoming release are listed below.                                 *** More metrics are added every week

     Metrics NameMetric Name APIMeasure/ DimensionLevelDefinition                                                                                       
    Group NameconvParticipants_assignedGroupNameDimensionSegmentSegment level Group Name
    Skill NameconvParticipant_skillNameDimensionSegmentSegment level Skill Name
    Agent NameconvParticipants_assignedAgentNameDimensionSegmentSegment level Agent Name
    Bot NamebotNameDimension
    Bot Name
    Latest Group NameconversationInfo_latestAssignedAgentGroupNameDimensionConversationLast Group in a conversation
    Latest Skill NameconversationInfo_latestSkillNameDimensionConversationLast Skill in a conversation
    Latest Agent NameconversationInfo_latestAssignedAgentNameDimensionConversationLast Agent in a conversation
    Latest Agent IdlastAssignedAgentIdDimensionConversationLatest Assigned Agent Id
    Agent IdagentIdDimensionConversationAgent Id

    User Type

    convParticipants_assignedAgentUserTypeDimensionSegmentThe type of agent participants associated with the responses in a segment. Ex: Bot, Human, System
    Conversation Start DateconvStartTimeHumanDimensionConversationStart date of a conversation
    Original ChannelconversationInfo_channelDimensionConversationThe original entry point for a messaging or a voice conversation (Web, App, AMB, SMS, Voice etc)
    Conversation StatusconversationInfo_statusDimensionConversationThe state of a conversation. Ex: Open, Closed

    MCS Type

    conversationInfo_mscCategoryDimensionConversationCategorization of  conversation based on last MCS scores. ex: positive, negative, and neutral
    Agent Name Transfer Bytransfer_sourceAssignedAgentNameDimensionSegmentThe name of the agent who made the transfers/escalated to either a skill or an agent. To be used with total transfer.
    Skill Name Transfer Bytransfer_sourceSkillNameDimensionSegmentThe name of the skill that made the transfers/escalated to either a skill or an agent. To be used with total transfer.
    User TypeconvParticipants_assignedAgentUserTypeDimensionSegmentThe type of agent participants associated with the responses in a segment. Ex: Bot, Human, System
    Answer UsedgenerativeAI_answerUsedDimensionConversationMarked as Yes, when the text provided by KAI is used by Copilot Assist. Marked as No, when KAI text was shown but not used by the agents.
    Level of AutomationconversationInfo_automationLevelDimensionConversationOn a conversation, type of agents involved
    Agent Only: only human agents involved
    Partially automated: both human and bot agent involved
    Completely automated: only bots involved
    Answer TypegenerativeAI_answerTypeDimensionConversation

    The text provided by KAI can be standard or enhanced with generative AI.

    (CA Generative Answer - CoPilot Assist usage and generative enhanced answer. CA Non Generative Answer - CoPilot Assist usage and standard answer)

    Conversation End ReasonconversationInfo_endreasonDimensionConversationEnd reason of a conversation Ex: Agent, Consumer
    Transfer Reasontransfer_reasonDimensionSegmentMore information on the reason for the transfer. Ex: Agent, Skill, Escalation
    BrowserconsumerInfo_consumerbrowserDimensionConversationProvides information on the web browser used by the consumer. Ex: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc. 
    Operating SystemconsumerInfo_operatingsystemDimensionConversationProvides information on the software application used by the consumer
    DeviceconsumerInfo_consumerdeviceDimensionConversationProvides information on Consumer devices. Ex: Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    Hour Of DayconversationStartTimeHourOfDayDimensionConversationHour Of Day
    Post Survey StatuspostSurvey_statusDimensionConversationProvides information on the status of the consumer post survey. Ex: Skipped, Brand_auto_close, Completed, closed by Consumer, Partially completed - timed out, Partially completed - skipped, Ignored
    Has Post SurveyhasPostSurveyDimensionConversationA boolean flag which provides information if a post survey is associated with a conversation. Ex: true, false
    FCRsurveyInfo_fcrCategoryDimensionConversationPredefined first contact resolution survey response of consumers (Yes, No, and Skipped)
    Rewrite UsedgenerativeAI_rewriteUsedDimensionConversationProvides information if rewrite is used in a conversation. Marked true if rewrite was used else false.
    Agent ManagerconvParticipants_assignedManagerDimensionConversationManager name when a manager is assigned into a conversation
    KB Article NamegenerativeAI_articleNameDimensionConversationKB Article name contains information of the articles in Knowledge base which are used to provide recommendations in conversations assist 
    Campaign NameconversationInfo_campaignNameDimensionConversationName of the campaign associated with conversations
    Engagement NameconversationInfo_EngagementNameDimensionConversationName of the engagement associated with conversations
    Total Transferscount_transfersMeasure (Use Agent Name Transfer By)ConversationNumber of transfers in a conversation (Sum of Back to Queue, Skill to skill, and agent transfer)
    Conversation End ReasonconversationInfo_endreasonDimensionConversationThe end reason of a conversation. Ex: Agent, Consumer etc.
    Rewrite Used
    Provides information if rewrite is used in a conversation. Marked true if rewrite was used else false
    EC Engagement Name-DimensionEngagment Controller Engagment Controller Engagement Name
    EC Campaign Name-DimensionEngagment Controller Engagment Controller Campaign Name
    EC Skill Name-DimensionEngagment Controller Engagment Controller Skill Name
    EC Action
    DimensionEngagment Controller Engagment Controller Action
    EC Rule-DimensionEngagment Controller EC Rule
    Bot Intent Match TypematchTypeDimensionConversationType of bot intent matches with the customer phrases (Intent, Pattern, Regular Expression, Small Talk, Evaluate Options, Exact Value etc.)
    Bot Interaction NamebotInteractionNameDimensionConversationName of the configured bot interaction
    Bot Custom Event NamebotCustomEventNameDimensionConversationName of the scripting function configured in a bot interaction
    Breakdown of the original  CSAT responses, suported values: 1,2,3,4,5
    Total Rewrites Used
    Total times a rewrite message was used by an agent in a conversation
    Total Rewrites Modified and Used
    Total times a rewrite message was modified by the agent and used in a conversation
    Total Wand Clicks
    Total times the wand was clicked to change agent message before use
    Total Conversations with Wand Clicks
    Total unique conversations with wand clicks
    # KB Questions
    MeasureConversationNumber of knowledge base (KB) queries/questions that Conversation Assist (CA) requested KnowledgeAI (KAI). (These queries may or may not have answers provided by KAI)
    KB Total Answers
    MeasureConversationText provided by KAI to the CA based on KB Articles or Large Language Model (LLM). (KB Generative Answers + KB Standard Answers)
    KB Standard Answers
    MeasureConversationNumber of standard text provided by KAI using KB article/links.
    KB Generative Answers
    MeasureConversationThe number of generative (LLM) text provided by KAI. Ex: Total Conversation: 100, # KB Questions/Queries: 50, KB Total Answers (May Contain both LLM and Standard Answers) = 10, KB Generative Answers = 5, KB Standard Answers = 5
    Total KB Article Used
    MeasureConversationTotal KB Article Used
    No Answers
    MeasureConversationNumber of questions which had no answers surfaced by KAI
    % KB Answers Rate
    MeasureConversationNumber of KB answers / Number of queries across all conversations
    Agent Recommendation Shown
    MeasureConversationNumber of answers provided by Copilot Assist to agents. These answers may or may not be used by agents. Each query may have one or more recommendations provided.
    Agent Recommendation Used
    MeasureConversationNumber of answers used by agents. Agents in Copilot Assist can choose to use the answers provided by KAI. If the Use Answer Button is clicked, it will be marked as an Agent Recommendation Used.
    Agent Recommendation Used Rate
    MeasureConversationNumber of Agent Recommendations Used / Number of Agent Recommendations provided
    Bot Recommendations Offered
    MeasureConversationNumber of bot answer delegation provided to agents. These answers may or may not be used by agents. Each query may have one or more recommendations provided.
    Bot Recommendations Used
    MeasureConversationNumber of bot delegated answers used by bot. Agents in CA can choose to use the answers provided by KAI. If the Delegate Button is clicked, it will be marked as a Bot Recommendation Used.
    Total Recommendation Made
    MeasureConversationNumber of answers offered to agents and offered via bots. (Agent Recommendation Shown + Bot Recommendation Offered)
    Total Recommendation Used
    MeasureConversationNumber of answers used by agents and delegated to bots. Agents in CA can choose to use the answers provided by KAI. If the Use Answer Button or Delegate Button is clicked, it will be marked as a Total Recommendation Used. (Agent Recommendation Used + Bot Recommendation Used)
    Total Recommendation Used Rate
    MeasureConversationTotal Recommendation Used Rate
    Conversation Recommendation Used
    MeasureConversationConversation Recommendation Used
    Total Conversationscount_conversationsMeasureConversationTotal number of conversations for the selected dimensional aggregation. Total open and close conversations are divided by the conversation status dimension
    Total Closed Conversations
    MeasureConversationNumber Of Conversations Closed By Agent, Consumer Or The System. 
    # Transferscount_transfersMeasure
    Total number of segment transfers for the selected dimension. (Back to Queue + Skill Transfer + Agent Transfer)
    Total Agent Messagescount_agentMessagesMeasureSegment/ ConversationTotal number of agent (Bot, Human) messages
    Total Consumer Messagescount_consumerMessages


    Segment/ ConversationTotal number of consumer messages
    Average MCSavg_lastMcs


    ConversationAverage of last MCS of the conversations
    Average Durationavg_conversationDuration_minutesMeasureConversationAverage time (mm:ss) for a conversation from the start to the end based on the selected aggregation. (Conversation Start Time - Conversation End Time)
    Average Segment Durationavg_segmentDuration_minutesMeasure
    Average time (mm:ss) within a segment from the segment start time to the segment end time (Closed Or Transferred) based on the selected aggregation.
    Average Conversation Durationavg_conversationDuration_minutesMeasure

    Average duration (mm:ss) within a conversation from the start to the end of conversation based on the selected aggregation.

    ***Check Limitations

    Total Conversation Durationsum_conversationDuration_minutesMeasure

    Total time (mm:ss) for a conversation from the start to the end based on the selected aggregation. Only for closed conversation (Measured by Conversation Start Time - Conversation End Time)

    ***Check Limitations

    In Focus Timeavg_inFocusTime_minutesMeasure

    Average of the conversation IFT. Time spent by human agents focused (clicked on the conversation) on conversations they are assigned to.

    Time: Enter conversation - Leave Conversation

    ***Three WFM AC Feature must be turned on for IFT on Report Center.

     CSAT Positive Responses Rateavg_calculatedCsatMeasure (%)Segment/ ConversationThe Percentage Of Answers 4 Or 5 (Top Two Boxes) Out Of The Total Responses Submitted By Consumers To A Predefined Csat Question Type. Invalid Answers Unrecognized By The Bot Are Excluded From The Formula.

    TTFR Bot

    avg_timeToFirstResponseBot_minutesMeasure (min)SegmentTime to first Response is the time to respond from the first consumer message in a response till the first message in the first bot agent response. Aggregation of average based on selected dimension. 

    TTFR Human

    avg_timeToFirstResponseHuman_minutesMeasure (min)SegmentThe time to respond from the previous consumer message till the first message in the first human agent response. Aggregation of average based on selected dimension. 
    TTFRA Botavg_timeToFirstResponseFromAssigmentBot_minutes

    Measure (min)

    SegmentThe time to respond from the first bot assignment till the first message in the first bot agent response ( removing the time taken for bot assignment). Aggregation of average based on selected dimension. 
    TTFRA Humanavg_timeToFirstResponseFromAssigmentHuman_minutesMeasure (min)SegmentThe time to respond from the first human assignment till the first message in the first human agent response ( removing the time taken for human assignment). Aggregation of average based on selected dimension. 
    ARTavg_agentResponseTimeFromConsumerResponse_minutesMeasure (min)ConversationAverage time from the Agent Response to the direct preceding consumer response, regardless of whether agent was assigned or whether Consumer was in queue. Response time is the sum of all time taken by agents to respond from the first consumer message of a response to the first agent message of an agent response. Aggregation of average based on selected dimension. 
    Average time from an agent assignment till the first message in all agent responses of a conversation. (Sum of all response time divided by the number of all response by agents)
    ART Assignmentavg_agentResponseTimeFromAssignment_minutesMeasure (min)ConversationThe average response time taken by all the participants (bot, human, system)(Removing the time taken for bot, human, system assignment). Response time is the sum of all time taken by agents to respond from the first consumer message of a response to the first agent message of an agent response.Aggregation of average based on selected dimension.  
    Average Queue Timeavg_queueTime_minutesMeasure (min)SegmentAverage unassigned time in conversations. Time the customer waits in a conversation without an agent (bot, human) assignment.
    Total Queue Timesum_queueTime_minutesMeasure (min)SegmentTotal unassigned time in conversations. Time the customer waits in a conversation without an agent (bot, human) assignment.
    Handled Conversationcount_handledConversationift


    ConversationTotal conversation with an IFT greater than zero for the selected dimension. (not true to interval: Calculation is based on conversation start time)
    Arrival Conversationcount_arrivalConversationMeasureConversationTotal conversation with an unassigned agent for the selected dimension. (not true to interval: Calculation is based on conversation start time)
    Replied Conversationcount_repliedConversationMeasureConversationTotal conversation which has an agent response for the selected dimension. (not true to interval: Calculation is based on conversation start time)
    Engagement NameconversationInfo_engagementNameDimensionConversationName of the engagement associated with conversations
    Campaign NameconversationInfo_campaignNameDimensionConversationName of the campaign associated with conversations

    Agent or Consumer Close Rate

    percent_agentOrConsumerCloseMeasure (%)ConversationPercentage of conversations closed by agents and consumers / Total number of closed conversations
    System Close Ratepercent_systemCloseConversationsMeasure (%)ConversationTotal conversations closed by system / Total closed conversation

    Total Interactive Segment

    total_interactivesegmentMeasureSegmentThe number of skill-agent-segments with at least one message from the consumer to an agent
    Interactive Segments Ratepercent_interactivesegmentMeasure (%)
    Percentage of segments with at least one message from the consumer to an agent / Total segments
    Average Segment Consumer Responseavg_segmentConsumerresponseMeasureSegmentAverage number of consumer responses within a segment. A response consists of multiple messages of an agent and consumer
    Average Segment Agent Response avg_segmentAgentresponseMeasureSegmentAverage number of agent responses within a segment. A response consists of multiple messages of an agent and consumer
    Total Conversation Closed by Agent count_conversationsClosedByAgentMeasureConversationNumber of conversation which were closed by agents
    Total Conversation Closed by Consumercount_conversationsClosedByConsumerMeasureConversationNumber of conversation which were closed by consumers
    Total Agent Segmentcount_agentAssignmentsMeasure


    Number of times conversations were assigned to an agent. A conversation can be assigned more than once to an agent.
    Ex: Total Conversation: 1, Agent A was assigned 2 times within a conversation in different segments: Total Agent Segments: 2
    Total Skill to Skill Transfersum_skilltoSkillTransferMeasureConversationTotal skill to skill transfer. The transfer Is attributed to the Agent/Skill who/which initiated the transfer 
    # Back To Queue Transfersback2qTransfersMesureConversationTotal Number Of Transfers Back To The Queue.
    Back to Queue Transfer Rate percent_transfersBackToQueueMeasureConversationPercentage (%) of total unique conversation with transfer Back To The Queue / Total handled conversations.
    Handled conversations is the number of conversations in which any agent (Bot Or Human) sent at least 1 message
    Total Conversation Closed by Systemcount_conversationsClosedBySystemMeasureConversationNumber of conversations that were closed by the system. Conversations that have closed reason as a timeout.
    Show Rate-MesureEngagment ControllerEngagment Show Rate
    Hide Rate-MesureEngagment ControllerEngagment Hide Rate
    Total Engagement-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Engagement
    Total Campaign-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Campaign
    Total Rules-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Rules
    Total Skill-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Skill
    Total Show Session Time-MesureEngagment ControllerThe total time the engagement was on show state
    Total Hide Session Time-MesureEngagment ControllerThe total time the engagement was on hide state
    Total Session Time-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Session Time
    Total Actions (Show/Hide)-MesureEngagment ControllerTotal Actions (Show/Hide)
    Total Bot Match Intentcount_botIntentMatchMesureConversationTotal number of times a bot intent match type (Intent, Pattern, Regular Expression, Small Talk, Evaluate Options, Exact Value etc.) is used in bot conversations
    Total Bot Unmatch Intentcount_botIntentUnMatchMesureConversationNumber of times customer phrases are unmatched and do not contain any intents in a bot conversation
    Total Bot Questions Askedsum_botQuestionAskedMesureConversationSum of # Bot Intent Match and # Bot UnMatched Intents
    Bot Intent Match Raterate_botIntentMatch_percentMesureConversationTotal # Bot Intent Match / Total # Questions Asked
    Total Bot Interactioncount_botInteractionMesureConversationNumber of times a bot interaction is used in bot conversations
    Total Bot Custom Eventcount_botCustomEventMesureConversationNumber of times a custom event is triggered in bot conversations
    Total Bot Transferscount_transfersFromBotMesureConversationTotal number of transfer initiated during a bot conversations (Bot to bot and bot to human)
    Net Promoter Score is a calculated metric. Sum of the positive NPS (9,10) minus the sum of negative NPS (1-6) divided by the total NPS. ((Positive-Negative)/Total)*100
    FCR Raterate_FCR_percentMesure
    First Contact Resolution is a calculated metric. Percentage of yes response out of the total response (Yes and No) submitted by the consumer for the predefined FCR question
    # Assigned agent participantsnumOfAgentParticipantsMesureConversationNumber of agents that participate in the conversation 
    Thumbs Up Rate
    MesureConversationThumbs Up Rate
    Conversation Summary Rate
    MesureConversationPercentage % of total conversations which has summary generated
    Total Summary 
    MesureConversationTotal number of summaries generated. This takes into account both transfer and close summary
    Total Transfer summary
    MesureConversationTotal number of transfer summaries generated
    Total Conversation Close Summary
    MesureConversationTotal number of close summaries generated


    Response Metrics explained (ART, ARTA, TTFR, & TTFRA)


    TTFR and TTFRA


    ART and ARTA



    Understanding Segments


    1. Metrics related to open segments will become a part of conversation metrics once the segment is closed.
    2. Segments per conversation will be limited to 100.
    3. The date filter is currently limited to the start date of a conversation. 
    4. Segment measures will auto-populate conversation measures after the conversation is marked closed.
    5. Maximum date range selection per dashboard is limited to three months at a time.  

    Missing Something?

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