Installation guide

LivePerson Conversational Cloud Connector for Salesforce - installation guide

    LivePerson Connector for Salesforce provides a unified and sleek agent workspace experience. Agents can login to Salesforce and directly engage with customers easily managing tasks like: accept incoming conversations across different messaging channels, seamlessly resolve customer issues & escalate/transfer conversations to other human/bot agents. Agents can communicate with consumers over familiar messaging channels within Salesforce. This includes all messaging channels supported, such as web messaging, SMS, WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, Facebook Messaging, brands’ mobile app, etc. 

    This guide provides an overview of the tasks that should be completed to enable the LivePerson Agent Widget in Salesforce. 

    The connector for Salesforce is now generally available. If you are interested in enabling this for your brand, please complete the steps detailed below and contact your customer success manager for additional support with the setup. 

    Step 1: Install the LivePerson embedded UI in Salesforce

    Brands can either find the LivePerson Contact Center solution in Salesforce App Exchange or they could install the embedded UI using the provided link with the latest build. Please note, the steps below are provided for the Saleforce lightning setup that is supported with this application. In addition, the LivePerson connector now supports the Salesforce Aura component as of version 5.3.11. Please follow separate steps if you would like to use the solution that does not leverage Open CTI which limits agents to be assigned to multiple call centers. 

    Step1.1 Installation instructions 

    Please be sure to follow steps in either 1.1 or 1.2 for the app install. You must then install the LivePerson Conversation object in addition as detailed below.

    1.1 OPTION 1: Application Install (Salesforce Aura Lightening Component)

    1. Install the app package from the list of available packages provided. Please select the version 5.3.11 or higher. Select Install for All Users when installing the UI.

      Selecting Install for All Users does not make the UI immediately available to all of your Salesforce users. This option makes it possible to enable LivePerson for users without encountering permissions issues. You still have 100% control of who can use LivePerson via Call Center configuration in Salesforce Setup.
    2. If you are using Salesforce Sales Cloud, start by navigating to App Manager in the setup page. 
    3. You will find Sales Console listed in the list of apps. Click on the arrow -> Edit on the right side
    4. Select Utility Items then Add Utility Item.
      Please note, you may either add the Open CTI Softphone or the Custom Managed LivePerson Aura component. We strongly recommend using the LivePerson Aura component.
      Add Custom Managed LivePerson Aura and then change the panel width to 400 and the panel height to 600 and then click save


    Content Security Policy (CSP) Trusted Site Settings

    Lastly, please note, the following URLS will be automatically added to your Salesforce CSP settings.

    -> wss://* <- This is not yet part of the package, please add it manually if you installed the LivePerson SF Connector prior to August 2024.


    For each site please ensure the check for "Allow site for connect-src" is checked.

    1.2 OPTION 2: Application Install (Open CTI)

    1. Install the app package from the list of available packages provided. Select Install for All Users when installing the UI.

      Selecting Install for All Users does not make the UI immediately available to all of your Salesforce users. This option makes it possible to enable LivePerson for users without encountering permissions issues. You still have 100% control of who can use LivePerson via Call Center configuration in Salesforce Setup.


    Salesforce connector - installation guide

    1. In the Salesforce UI, click the Setup link in the top right.
      In the quick search box, search for Call Centers and select LivePerson Embedded UI.
    2. Select Manage Call Center Users.
      A list of users enabled for LivePerson messaging displays.
      NOTE: If this is a fresh install, the list may be empty. Select Add More Users to add users to the call center for LivePerson messaging.
    3. Search for the usernames that should be able to use LivePerson Messaging, select them, and then click Add Users.
      Your basic contact center is now configured! 
    4. If you are using Salesforce Sales Cloud, start by navigating to App Manager in the setup page. 
    5. You will find Sales Console listed in the list of apps. Click on the arrow -> Edit on the right side
    6. Select Utility Items then Add Utility Item.

      Add Open CTI Softphone and then click save  


    LivePerson Conversation Object Package Install

    Install the Conversation Object using the link provided. Select Install for All Users when installing the UI. This will create the new LivePerson Conversation object in your Salesforce instance. 

    Step 1.2 Permissions 

    Role setup

    In order for LivePerson to update task records (i.e. phone calls logged to Salesforce) and properly set relationships, the API user must be higher in the role hierarchy than users of this integration. Additionally, both the API user and end-users in Salesforce must have the appropriate roles assigned. This provides the application user with the access required to set relationships and update tasks.

    For example:


    LivePerson/Tenfold leverages an API user to establish the initial integration, obtain the OAuth token, and perform all API calls/writes to the SFDC instance.

    The below section outlines the minimum permissions necessary for that user for the core integration to function.

    If the Salesforce instance has custom fields on the standard objects listed below, the integration user will also need read/write access to those fields. LivePerson will not query these custom fields, however, Salesforce requires this to access the rest of the object.

    Alternatively, you may connect Tenfold to Salesforce via an Administrator account which provides sufficient privileges for the integration.

    User  permissions

    Salesforce Aura Lightening Component ONLY 

    All users must have the "Author Apex" permission. However, if you are unable to provide this permission, another option is to create an apex class manually in Salesforce with this boilerplate option and give individual users permission to this apex class only.

    In your instance go to Setup -> Apex Classes and create a new Apex class
    You'll name it ApexForLPIntegration

    The class will just be boilerplate like this:


    System permissions

    The following system permissions are required for the integration.

    Table 1. System permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    API EnabledAllows the LivePerson app to interact with the Salesforce API.
    Edit TasksEnables the LivePerson app to create and update interactions and follow up tasks.
    View Setup and ConfigurationAllows LivePerson/Tenfold to dynamically build API queries based on the permission set assigned to the API User. This Permission depends on the View Roles and Role Hierarchy.
    View Roles and Role HierarchyThis permission is a dependency of the View Setup and Configuration.
    View All UsersAllows LivePerson/Tenfold to import users into Tenfold Dashboard.
    Modify Metadata Through Metadata API FunctionsAllows LivePerson/Tenfold to create the workflows and workflow rules required for omnichannel agent status updates to be pushed from Salesforce to Tenfold.

    When adjusting system permissions in the API user’s Permission Set after Tenfold has been connected to Salesforce you must re-initialize the integration by following these steps.

    1. Change the selected CRM in the Tenfold Dashboard to another CRM.
    2. Switch the CRM selection back to Salesforce.
    3. Re-connect Tenfold to your production or sandbox environment.
    4. Click the “Synchronize Fields” button in Tenfold Dashboard > Company Settings > CRM.

    Object Permissions

    Each object enabled for the Tenfold integration requires Modify All and Create object permissions. If it is desired to reduce permissions further, be mindful that the Tenfold API user requires the appropriate permissions and sharing settings to read and write relevant Salesforce records and support your use case.

    Table 2. Account object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Account Object
    Account Name

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Account Owner

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Created ByRead Access

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Table 3. Contact object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Contact Object
    Account Name

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Asst. Phone

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Contact Owner

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Created ByRead Access

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Home Phone

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Other Phone

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Table 4. Lead object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Lead Object
    Created ByRead Access

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Lead Owner

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Lead StatusRead Access

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    The Task object does not allow for control of Object Permissions in the permission set. Set the following Field Permissions on this object.

    Table 5. Task object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Task Object
    Assigned To

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Call Duration

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Call Type

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Created By

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Due Date

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Related To

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Task SubType

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    LivePerson ConversationRead Access

    Edit Access

    Table 6. Opportunity object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Opportunity Object
    Account Name

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    AmountRead Access
    Created ByRead Access
    Opportunity Name

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Opportunity Owner

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    ProbabilityRead Access
    StageRead Access

    Table 7. Case object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Case Object
    Account Name

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Case NumberRead Access
    Case Owner

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Created ByRead Access
    StatusRead Only

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Table 8. Conversation Transcript Object permissions required for the Salesforce integration user

    Case Object
    Conversation Number

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    AccountRead Access

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Created ByRead Access
    Last Modified By

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    StatusRead Only

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    CSAT Score

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Brand ID

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Engagement Channel 

    Read Access

    Edit Access


    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Start Time 

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    End Time

    Read Access

    Edit Access

    Step 2: LivePerson/Tenfold Account  Setup

    Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further assistance with the setup or fill out your details here and someone from our team will contact you shortly. 

    Once your Tenfold Account is enabled, the link to the LivePerson account can be established and messaging features can be turned on with the following instructions.

    Step 3: Ensure your Agents can login to their workspace in Salesforce

    Share the user credentials with the agents and ensure they are able to login to the Conversational Cloud and then the application in Salesforce. 

    See our FAQs for more information. 

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.