KnowledgeAI™ with Conversation Assist

LivePerson’s KnowledgeAI™ unifies and leverages your brands knowledge and content to automate effective consumer conversations at scale
  • Messaging

Product overview

Often, brands face several challenges when leveraging their knowledge and content to help quickly solve consumer problems and offer answers:

  • Fragmented and inconsistent content across multiple data sources
  • An expensive and painful migration processes
  • Content that is hard transform and adapt to rich, automated conversations
  • Content that is not generated from your consumer conversations

KnowledgeAI unifies and leverages your curated content to provide fast answers to common questions and issues. You can seamlessly insert your content into messages to give accurate answers and engage in rich, automated conversations with consumers at scale.

You can also leverage KnowledgeAI within Conversation Assist to offer recommended answers to your agents based on the consumer's intent.

How KnowledgeAI works

The diagram below illustrates how you can unify and leverage your content to:

  • Power intelligent answers via LivePerson Conversation Builder bots
  • Recommend answers to agents via Conversation Assist
  • Get answers directly via APIs

KnowledgeAI works with LivePerson’s NLU engine and those from other providers. LivePerson’s own NLU engine supports several, different languages, with more languages being added often.

Using your content in an automated conversation:


Agent receiving recommended bots and answers inline in a conversation:


Agent looking up recommended bots and answers on demand:



Unify knowledge from multiple sources

Offer the right answers at the right time

Offer answers enriched via Generative AI (optional)

Want accurate, contextually relevant, and natural-sounding answers? Enrich them via Generative AI.

Not ready to make use of Generative AI and LLMs? No problem. You don't need to incorporate these technologies into your knowledge base solution. The choice is yours: Use KnowledgeAI with or without Generative AI.

Automate answers

Use the same content source to:

  • Power Conversation Builder bots with answers, reaching your consumers across channels: SMS, Apple Messages for Business, voice, and more
  • Recommend answers to agents within Conversational Cloud’s agent workspace

Equip agents with easy-to-use responses

  • Contextually curate answers and bots available to agents
  • Help agents quickly assist consumers with recommended answers and bots
  • Make messaging even more convenient for your agents with SmartCompose and SmartSuggestions (Includes out-of-the-box integration with Google)

Optimize answers

  • Automatically improve and tune recommendations based on feedback and usage reports
  • Identify intents and content for improvement with powerful analytics

No intents? No problem.

Use our AI-powered search to return the best results.



  • Transform content into messaging-ready answers to help consumers across channels: Voice, Web, SMS, Apple Messages for Business, and more
  • Leverage our LLM-powered answer enrichment service to create answers via Generative AI. Answers are accurate, contextually aware, and natural-sounding.
  • Automate AI-powered answers to consumer questions
  • Equip agents with time-saving, AI-powered answers
  • Stay on top of the health of your knowledge bases by using our Health Assessment tool.
  • Improve results through analysis of historical answer performance and testing
  • Language support

Conversation Assist

  • Match the consumer's intent to answers and bots and recommend them to agents
  • Integrate knowledge bases and optionally offer answers enriched via Generative AI
  • Integrate Conversation Builder bots and third-party bots

Get started

For more info on KnowledgeAI and Conversation Assist, see our Developer Center. Get started.

  • Transform content into messaging ready answers. Create answers to consumer questions using your existing content: Web pages, PDFs, CMS, Google sheet, or CSV. Get started.
  • Leverage our LLM-powered answer enrichment service. Use Generative AI to create accurate, contextually aware, and natural-sounding answers. Then use those enriched answers in automated conversations and as recommendations to your agents. Get started.
  • Use content in automated conversations. Answer consumer questions with confidence by matching questions to answers with NLU. Use content from your internal CMS in Conversation Builder bots to drive increased bot containment. Get started.
  • Recommend answers to agents. Offer answers to your agents inline within messaging conversations to make the agents more effective and consistent. Get started.
  • Recommend automations to agents. Enable your agents to use recommended bot flows to manage repeatable activities, freeing the agents up for more meaningful conversations. Get started.
  • Let your agents look up answers and bots on demand: Turn on Conversation Assist's On-Demand Recommendations widget to empower your agents in this way. Get started.

Missing Something?

Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.