Salesforce Widget for Agent Workspace - Advanced configuration

    Setup of Auto Populate within the Salesforce Widget for Agent Workspace feature

    This feature works on Structured Date Elements of conversations. To determine the value of SDEs of a conversation, you can follow the steps laid out here.

    To view your SDE object while the widget is open in the Agent Workspace, perform the following:

    • Select a conversation in which you would like to display the SDEs.
    • Open the developer console (e.g. for Google Chrome on MacOS Option + Command + J (⌥-⌘-J), or Control + Shift + J on your keyboard on Windows)
    • Paste the following command into the command line at the bottom of the console tab and hit Enter:

    This command will display the SDE object, allowing you to inspect its structure and data to retrieve the needed path.

    You’ll get a result similar to this:

    { "SDE":{ "customerDetails": [ { "balance": "$-400.99", "currency": "USD", "customerId": "someCustomerId", "socialId": "someSocialId", "imei": "someImei", "userName": "lpuser", "companySize": 500, "accountName": "bank corp", "role": "broker", "storeZipCode": "20505", "storeNumber": "123345", "lastPaymentDate": "15 Oct. 2014", "registrationDate": "23 May. 2013", "serverTimeStamp": 1714383691648, "status": "cancelled", "type": "vip" } ], "personalInfo": [ { "name": "John Doe", "gender": "Male", "company": "company", "language": "en-US", "age": 34, "contactInfo": [ { "email": "", "phone": "+1 212-788-8877", "phoneType": null, "address": null, "preferredContactMethod": null } ], "serverTimeStamp": 1714383691649, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "birthday": "15 Apr. 1980" } ], }, }

    Knowing the contents of your conversations' SDEs, you can now specify the paths for the Auto Populate feature.

    The input you will be providing should be a string that describes how to reach a particular data point within a structured entity. Here are some guidelines on how to construct a path:

    1. Nested Objects:
      • Use dots (.) to navigate through nested objects.
      • Example: To access the email in contactInfo in personalInfo in the SDE object, the path would be "".
      • Example 2: To access the firstname in personalInfo in the SDE object, the path would be "personalInfo.firstname".
    2. Arrays:
      • Our system automatically selects the first element in any array encountered along the path.
      • If you need to specify that a property is within an array, simply follow the property path as if it is a singular object.
      • Example: If personalInfo is an array, to get the firstname you just input "personalInfo.firstname". The system handles the array and retrieves the firstname of the first element.

    Usage Examples

    • Example 1: Getting the age in personalInfo array:
      • Path: "personalInfo.age"
      • Returns: The age from the first element in the personalInfo array.
    • Example 2: Getting email from contactInfo array:
      • Path: ""
      • Returns: The email from the contactInfo of the first personalInfo entry.

    Tips for Path Specification

    • Ensure your paths do not include array indices as the system defaults to the first element of any array.
    • Double-check your paths for typos to ensure accurate data retrieval (Even capital letters matter).
    • Use the exact field names as they appear in the data structure (Best to copy and paste to avoid errors).


    • The system currently does not support dynamic array indexing; it automatically accesses the first element of arrays.

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.