Week of June 27th
New Updates include: Content Security Policy (update required), Report Center, Analytics Builder & User/Skills Management
Content-Security-Policy Updates
Action Required for brands that are utilizing a Content-Security-Policy header on their websites.
LivePerson is making important updates to the web messaging stack, which changes the protocol and domains that the scripts embedded into a brand's website use. Brands that are adding an additional layer of security by using a Content-Security-Policy (CSP) may have to adapt the CSP header to include these new domains.
This knowledge center page has been updated to reflect the latest recommendations:
Compared to the previous CSP, these are the changes:
- added cdn.lpsnmedia.net to the explicit lists of domains
- added https://*.liveperson.net wildcard domain for connect-src directive
LivePerson is rolling out performance enhancements and is modernizing the frontend stack. This includes loading assets from a geographically distributed content delivery network as well as deprecating JSONP as a protocol to fetch data such as account configuration. These changes require updates to the CSP, otherwise web messaging conversations can no longer be started.
Please verify if your website is using a CSP header. If not, no action is required.
In case you are leveraging a CSP, then please update the header to align with our latest recommendation which can be found on this page.
Please note the timeline below:
- Mar 6, 2025 - Mar 13, 2025: Performance enhancements (“fetch mode”) deployment rollout (what requires the brand CSP changes)
- Mar 6, 2025: Small/mid-level accounts / lower environments
- Mar 13, 2025: Top accounts / Enterprise environment
Any questions, please contact your LivePerson account team.
New Report Center (RC) features are released. We have performed bug fixes, new metric addition, and design changes. Our main focus with our release is to deliver key features for brands.
Below are the key points and improvements included in this release for Report Center:
New Features
1. Data Transporter reports can be exported by admins and agent managers within the Report Center if they have certain permissions enabled. Agent survey, engagement attribute, customer survey, messaging, and conversation export are included. Take a look at our user guide for a demonstration of the feature
2. Keyword search functionality has been introduced in the Report Center. Take a look at the user guide for a demonstration video
3. Measure based filter capability introduced with CSAT and conversation MCS. Use measures to filter your dashboards for analysis
4. Increased download capability of table charts to 10K
5. Access update on Report Center: All assigned managers can view and analyze their own group agent metrics. Assigned managers of child groups can not access Parent group metrics/data
6. Engagement Controller reporting is available and a template can be utilized for quick reporting by Admins and Campaign managers on Report Center
7. Voice player and status available on the Transcript Viewer for voice accounts
1. Redesigned filters to enhance user experience on Report Center
2. Five filter selection on dashboards is available for use
3. Search for multiple conversationIds in the Conversation Search section
4. Assigned agent manager is added as dimension for bot agent and assigned manager data analysis
Two new parquet files in the Analytics Studio (customer hosted analytics section) have been added.
1. Segment Context Intent
LivePerson messages can have a “message context” attached. That context can contain intents and business cases. This file contains the intents tied to messages.
2. Segment Context Business Case
LivePerson messages can have a “message context” attached. That context can contain intents and business cases. This file contains the business cases tied to messages.
Ability to bulk-edit Agents by adding or removing Skills from them
LivePerson are offering the option to use self-service bulk operations when managing users & skills in the Conversational Cloud. This feature allows you to add/remove multiple skills to a list of users in a single self-service operation.