Week of November 16
New updates: Conversation Builder, Social Messaging
Bots now support for small talk
Small talk is chitchat, including the greetings, pleasantries, profanities, and other trivial remarks that people make during conversations. At LivePerson, we recognize that when consumers converse with bots, they sometimes engage in small talk. Supporting it is an automation best practice that offers your consumers a Curiously Human™ experience.

Small talk between consumer and bot
Currently, the Small Talk feature is only supported for English-language bots.
Getting started
1 - In Bot Accounts, manually turn on Small Talk for your account. (Once you do this, any new bots that you create will have it turned on at the bot level too.)
2 - In Conversation Builder, create a new bot. Use the new bot to evaluate the default behavior.
Leverage your IdP service in automated conversations with bots
If you’re authenticating your consumers and then storing and managing their digital identities using an identity provider (IdP) service, you can now leverage that functionality in the Conversational Cloud, effectively federating their identities to LivePerson.
In this release of Bot Accounts, we add support for a new Consumer Pre-Authentication credential type. This credential lets you take the consumer tokens that are managed by your IdP service and securely share them with registered LivePerson services (Conversation Builder, etc.). In turn, our services can use the tokens to:
- Validate consumers
- Carry on authenticated conversations, without prompting the consumer to re-authenticate when powering multiple LivePerson use cases
- Make API calls to your brand’s services on the consumer’s behalf
In this authentication flow, the consumer is authenticated before a conversation with a bot ever begins.
In an API integration in the bot, the bot simply uses the configured credential to get the consumer’s unique token from the IdP service when needed for the API call. Equipped with this info, the bot can then get things done for the consumer: retrieve an order’s status, update personal info, make a payment, etc.

Using a Consumer Pre-Authentication credential
Enhancements to post-conversation survey bots
- Take all your survey bots offline if needed with the new Undeploy Connector option in the Bots Status application.
- Sometimes, in a survey bot, an interaction gets into a state where its ID isn't synchronized with underlying systems. This can adversely affect reporting. You can now fix this quickly with the Synchronize interaction ID button in the interaction.

post conversation survey synchronize ID
Public messaging on Instagram
Brands can now support customers in the public channel on Instagram as comments on brand posts will create a conversation in the Agent Workspace. Learn more about the supported features and capabilities for Instagram on Conversational Cloud here.
Consumer deletion of direct messages on Instagram
When consumers delete their own direct messages to the brand on Instagram, they will be removed from the open or closed conversation in Conversational Cloud as well.