Week of March 23
Enhancements to Management Console, Analytics Builder, Knowledge Center and more
- Search results page
- Hitting the enter key with your cursor in the search bar will take you to the new search results page
- More search filters for this page will be added in future releases
- Articles now link to related articles at the bottom of some pages ("See also")
- See example on the Social Messaging overview.
- Dark/Light theme defaults to system preference
- User can override with the switch at the very bottom footer of the site
- Clicking sidebar headers will now change the URL bar
- This also works in release notes now
New Transfer Report
A new grid “Transfers by Skill and Agent” is now available under Agent Operations Dashboard > Transfer Analysis > Skill Analysis.
The grid allows you to track the number of transfers performed by each agent according to the following granularity:
- Date
- Skill - The transfer source skill
- Transfer to skill - The transfer target skill
- Agent - The name of the agent performing the transfer operation
- Agent segment end reason - The transfer type. Can be either “Transfer to skill”, “Agent to agent Transfer” or “Back to queue”
- Agent Segments - The number of agent segments (transfers) performed by the agent
Localization - Supporting additional languages
The following languages are now fully translated in the Analytics Builder (including metrics names, attributes, description, etc):
- Spanish (Spain)
- Italian
- German
- French
Rollover Dashboard
Lead metric
The following new metrics have been added to the “Rollover Dashboard”:
- LEADS - The total number of unique leads generated by the assigned agent via the LeadWidget or by a bot utilizing Lead Automation within the selected timeframe. Leads are counted uniquely per lead topic, customer, and channel when collected within a 24 hour time period.
- Example of topic: During a conversation consumer talks about:
- a) Scheduling a service appointment
- b) looking at the new vehicles on the lot
- In this case, two leads will be counted for one customer on one channel.
- Example of topic: During a conversation consumer talks about:
- LEADS CONVERSION RATE- The percentage of leads captured out of the total number of closed conversations. Formula: (LEADS/CLOSED CONVERSATIONS)*100
- ROLLBACKS - The number of times a rollover conversation was returned to the owner account from the Rollover/BPO account within the selected timeframe.
- NO.OF MESSAGING COLLABORATION SESSIONS - The number of collaboration sessions, including interactive and non-interactive sessions, within the selected timeframe.
In addition, the Rollover Dashboard content has been updated and includes 5 pages:
- “Summary” - A high-level summary of the number of brands handled over time and the number of leads captured over time by channel.
- “Details by Brand” - A brand-level grid to track performance metrics by brand.
- “Details by Agent” - A daily agent level grid to track agent login data and performance metrics.
- “Details by Skill and Agent” - A daily skill and agent level grid to track performance metrics.
- “Details by Conversation” - Displays conversation volumes by the hour, day, and week.
New Account Package page “What’s in my plan?”
Admins can see the details of their plan through the Management Console including a list of all features that are available for use as part of their plan, alongside the name of their current plan. Only accounts with an active plan and billing information will be able to see the Account Package page.

Management Console Account Package page with billing & account info dropdown

New Billing page
The Management Console has added the option for accounts to easily view their billing information as can be seen through the Zuora system. Access to this feature will be given automatically to admins and will appear inside the Management Console’s homepage. This option will only be shown for accounts with an active plan and billing information.