Messaging Platform SDK Update Policy

Policy Update

    At LivePerson, we are committed to providing our clients with the most reliable and feature-rich messaging platform SDK. To ensure that our clients benefit from the latest advancements and maintain optimal performance, we have established the following update policy:

    • Support for Previous Five Minor Versions:
      • We guarantee support for the previous five Minor Version of the LivePerson Messaging Platform SDK starting 1.11.x. This ensures that clients have ample time to transition to the latest version while receiving essential support for their existing implementation. For example, if the newest version is 1.12.x, we will support version 1.11.x

    Note - This policy will be followed starting with Version 1.11.X

    • Regular Updates Encouraged:
      • We strongly encourage all brands to update their SDK implementations regularly.
      • Updates should be performed yearly to stay current with the latest features, enhancements, and improvements.
    • Critical Security and Bug Fixes:
      • Immediate updates are necessary for critical security vulnerabilities or bugs identified within the SDK.
      • Clients are urged to prioritize these updates to safeguard their systems and data against potential threats or issues.
    • Access to New Features:
      • Our SDK updates often include integrating new features and capabilities to enhance the messaging experience.
      • Clients are encouraged to update their SDK implementations to access these new features and stay ahead of evolving customer engagement trends.
    • Notification of Updates:
      • Liveperson will provide timely notifications and announcements regarding SDK updates, including release notes detailing the changes and improvements introduced in each version.
      • Clients will be informed via Release notes on NPM, Developer Center and Knowledge base.

    Change Log

    Understanding SDK Versioning

    Let's take an example 1.11.6

    • The major version is `1`.
    • The minor version is `11`.
    • The `.6` after the minor version indicates the patch level, which is used for more minor, often backward-compatible fixes or updates.

    SDK Versioning Support

    SDK VersionMessaging*LP Support*Feature Requests/ Bug fixes*
    Latest Version
    Latest Version - 1
    Latest Version - 2
    Latest Version - 3
    Latest Version - 4⚠️
    Latest Version - 5⚠️
    Latest Version - 6⚠️
    Latest Version - 7

    Note - This policy will be followed starting with Version 1.11.X

    • Messaging* - refers to the basic sending and receiving of consumer and agent messages using the SDK. 
    • LP Support*  - refers to the support provided by the LivePerson Support team. This service is offered for the latest minor 3 versions. Support will instruct you to upgrade to the latest SDK for older versions.
      ⚠️  Brands that are on these versions can still reach out to support but will need to update their SDK to a fully supported version before the Support team starts their investigation
    • Feature Requests/Bug fixes*  - will be applied to the most recent SDK version.

    What's the implication?

    If your brand app uses an older LivePerson Mobile SDK, you must update to one of the latest 5 versions. Using the older. This adoption is essential to ensure compatibility with LivePerson’s Conversational Cloud and enable us to introduce faster and more innovative enhancements.

    Benefits of adopting the latest LivePerson Messaging Platform SDK versions:

    • Improved Performance: The latest SDK versions are optimized for better performance, ensuring smoother and more responsive interactions.
    • Enhanced Features: By integrating the latest SDK, your brand app will have access to the most recent features and functionalities offered by LivePerson, enriching the customer experience.
    • Ongoing Support: With your app using the latest SDK versions, you will receive timely updates, bug fixes, and ongoing support from your dedicated account team.

    Release Schedule


    Release Schedule


    Q1: How many previous Minor Versions of the SDK are supported?

    A: We guarantee support for the five previous Minor Versions of the LivePerson Messaging Platform SDK. This ensures that clients have ample time to transition to the latest version while still receiving essential support for their existing implementation.

    Q2: How often should clients update their SDK implementations?

    A: We strongly encourage all brands to update their SDK implementations regularly. Ideally, updates should be performed every year months to stay current with the latest features, enhancements, and improvements.

    Q3: What actions should clients take in the event of critical security vulnerabilities or bugs?

    A: Immediate updates are necessary in the event of critical security vulnerabilities or bugs identified within the SDK. Clients are urged to prioritize these updates to safeguard their systems and data against potential threats or issues.

    Q4: How can clients access new features introduced in SDK updates?

    A: Our SDK updates often integrate new features and capabilities designed to enhance the messaging experience. Clients are encouraged to update their SDK implementations to access these new features and stay ahead of evolving customer engagement trends.

    Q5: How will clients be notified of SDK updates?

    A: LivePerson will provide timely notifications and announcements regarding SDK updates, including release notes detailing the changes and improvements introduced in each version. Clients will be informed via email, documentation updates, and other communication channels to ensure they know available updates and their benefits.

    Q6: If there is a new major version (e.g., 2.x.x), do we still support the minor versions from the previous major version (e.g., 1.x.x)?

    A: Yes, even after the release of a new major version (e.g., 2.x.x), all previous versions would still be considered minor and would continue to be supported. This ensures that clients have flexibility in transitioning to newer versions while still receiving support for their existing implementations.

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.