Find out how Tenfold logs Salesforce calls

Find out how Tenfold logs Salesforce calls

    Calls which are logged

    Tenfold logs all calls automatically in Salesforce when:

    • a call matches a single record in Salesforce
    • a call matches multiple records and the user selects a record using the Floating UI
    • a call matches no records but the user finds or creates one using the Floating UI

    Calls which are not logged

    Even if a call is a multi-match or a no-match case and the user does not select a record to associate, the call will be shown in the Tenfold Analytics:

    • internal calls (unless configured to be) will not be logged anywhere
    • for transfer calls (for most phone systems) log only the last leg
    • ringgroup and queue calls (for most phone systems) which are answered by someone else are logged only to that person
    • missed calls are always logged in tenfold analytics but not pushed to Salesforce

    Example of a logged call:


    Data which is logged

    Tenfold logs call data to a Task (Activity) record. we update the following fields in Salesforce:

    Link Data

    • Assigned To: set to the person who logged the call
    • Created By: initially set to the tenfold SF user
    • Lead Owner: set to the person who logged the call
    • Last Modified By: initially set to the tenfold SF user
    • Related to Name: the record which was selected in the Floating UI
    • Related to Account: the name (if applicable) of the parent account

    Meta Data

    • Date Time: date and time of the call
    • Last Modified Date/Time: date and time of the call unless updated after the call
    • Due Date: date of the call
    • Type: this is always set to “call”
    • Call Type: direction of the call “Inbound” or “Outbound”
    • Status: always set to completed

    Call Data

    • Subject: first 60 characters of comments -or- “Inbound Call” -or- “Outbound Call”
    • Comments: “–Auto Created by Tenfold” -or- call notes as entered in Floating UI
    • Call Duration: time from call start to call end (includes ringing)
    • Phone: phone number on the call
    • Call Inbound Extension: only used if your plan includes and you have enabled Inbound Number (Campaign) Tracking

    If your organization is on a plan that includes Dispositions, Tenfold call logging can update values on any of your custom picklist fields!

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.