Week of March 9

Enhancements for Proactive, Line Connector, Agent Workspace, KnowledgeAI, Knowledge Center 2.1 and more

Proactive Messaging


Outbound Reporting API now supports filtering by message status, i.e. read, failed, and includes consumer Id as an additional attribute in the response payload. 

Two new enhancements for the Transactions API (Outbound Reporting):

  • Get transactions based on the message status, such as get only messages that have failed or read or conversation exists. 
  • The response payload for Transactions API will now include a new attribute "consumerID". This consumer Id is the consumer's phone number for SMS and WhatsApp channel. Please contact LivePerson to enable this "consumerId" attribute. 

For further details on these enhancements, refer here


Proactive Web tool works in the regular browser window
Some users could not open the Proactive Web tool in the regular Chrome window and had to use incognito mode. This issue is now fixed.

Easily add images/video/documents to self-service creation of rich WhatsApp templates
In the Proactive Web tool, brands can create rich WhatsApp templates with images or videos without getting rejected. Freely add the rich media to the template and it will go through the standard WhatsApp approval process.

Outbound reporting API - Campaign API's response payload now populates the "conversationId" attribute. 
The response payload now will include the "conversationId" value for messages where the conversation was started.  

Copy campaign flow now copies "Lookback Period" value to the new campaign.
In the Proactive Web tool, users can copy the campaign and the value for "Lookback Period" from the source campaign will also be copied. 

Agent Workspace


  • Support i18n in Lead Generation widget
  • [Cobrowse] Virtual background skill support for 3rd party channels
    • Support opening video conversations while matching the agent background image based on the conversation skill (from the mapping in site settings).
  • Add support for Viber Connector
    • The Viber connector has been added to the Data Sources screen. Brands can now enable and configure the Viber connector via this screen.
  • Virtual Image Background for Video calls at skill level
    • The Virtual Background feature will allow you to display an image as your background during a video call. Brands can upload their own images as a virtual background, or use nothing instead. 
    • Not applicable to Live Chat
    • Contact your LivePerson Account Manager about enabling
  • [Agent Assist] Conversation window - auto scroll to the latest Agent Assist recommendation
    • This enhancement is to make sure the latest recommendations will be automatically scrolled to the visible UI area of the Agent Workspace.
    • Only applicable to Web Messaging

Rich text formatting support

Using rich text formatting in the Agent Workspace allows the agent to compose messages with bold, italic, underline, links, and bulleted and numbered lists and drive a better UX for all parties. 

In the scope of this enhancement, the custom widget SDK also received this enhancement and can now allow sending the following HTML tags:

  • Bold - <strong>
  • Underline - <u>
  • Italic - <i>
  • Bullets - <ul>
  • Numbering - <ol>
  • Links - <a>

Rich text rendering support is guaranteed for Web Messaging only and only for customers that use LivePerson’s native window. Window API implementations are not supported.


  • Secure form 'off the record' fields is now being masked while the agent remains in the same conversation.
    • PCI forms that were using the “Off the record” option are now getting masked after 15 min as expected.
    • Not applicable to Live Chat
  • [Agent Assist] Recommendations are no longer getting dismissed incorrectly 
    • Agent Assist recommendations are no longer being dismissed when the agent clicks on them but will remain visible on the UI with a "used" state. 
  •  All conversation filter - Response time 'until' filter has been corrected: the ‘until’ field in the All Conversations filter is now fetching the correct time frame
  • Authenticated (stepped up) conversations are no longer appearing under the unauthenticated Conversation history widget
  • Added support for Structured Content of Type Text
    • Support the ability for agents to send Structured Content with the parameter "type: text"within the transcript area.
  • Corrected translation between French and Canadian French.
  • Smart Replies window no longer occludes the conversation transcript on lower resolutions setups
  • A11Y can now successfully navigate into Previously submitted tab of Agent Survey using keyboard 



Text search has improved

Improved text searches performance. For example, consumer messages that include words like “connection” or “connective” will now yield matches to other forms like “connect,” “connections,” etc.

User interface in Brazilian Portuguese

The user interface is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. All copy within the interface (labels, error messages, etc.) is available in the target language. To change the language, access your Conversational Cloud profile, click My Details, and change the Language setting. 

Line Connector


Line Connector - Secure Form opens in the default browser of the device

When an agent shares a Secure Form with a consumer on the Line Messenger, the default behaviour of the Line app is to open it in an embedded web view. Unfortunately, this web view is not supported by the Unified Window due to certain limitations. In order to continue to allow brands to use Secure Forms on Line Messenger, the Secure Form will now open in the default browser of the device (usually Chrome on Android / Safari on iOS).