Week of March 2nd
Conversation Builder and KnowledgeAI
Enhanced control over question interactions
You have more control over how the answer choices for questions are presented in Multiple Choice questions and Quick Reply questions with a new Choices per Row advanced setting. When you're displaying answer choices as quick reply "chips" (not buttons), you can use this setting to select the specific number of choices to present in a single row.
Example: You have 8 answer choices, and you select "3" for this setting. So, 3 choices will be presented in the first row, 3 in the second row, and the remaining 2 in the last row. Note that a maximum of 3 rows are used; the third row includes all the answer choices not included in the first 2 rows.
A new custom code indicator in interactions
When working in a bot, you want to know quickly whether an interaction contains custom code. Previously, users had to dig into the interaction to learn this. Now we have added a custom code indicator as a green dot that appears on the interaction:

Check for the green dot to understand at a glance whether there's code in the Pre-Process Code, Process User Response code, or Post-Process Code in the interaction.
Users will see this green dot beside the name of any code tab that contains custom code:

Hide disabled dialogs and interactions
Hide disabled dialogs and interactions in the dialog editor. This lets you clean up the view to show what you care about most.
To hide disabled dialogs and interactions, in the dialogs panel on the left, click the Sort & Filters icon, and turn on the Hide Disabled Dialogs & Interactions toggle.

Enhancements to post-conversation survey (PCS) bots
- You now have more control over how the answer choices for questions are rendered, as we've changed the behavior of the Choices per Row interaction setting in applicable survey questions. Now, when you select to display the choices as quick reply "chips" (not buttons), you can use this setting to select the specific number of choices to present in a single row. Example: You have 8 answer choices, and you select "3" for this setting. So, 3 choices will be presented in the first row, 3 in the second row, and the remaining 2 in the last row. Note that a maximum of 3 rows are used; the third row includes all the answer choices not included in the first 2 rows. Important: Used in Web messaging only. In all other channels, all choices are rendered on 1 row.
- Custom reports can now include information on incorrect responses from consumers in post-conversation surveys.
User interface in Brazilian Portuguese
The user interface is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. All copy within the interface (labels, error messages, etc.) is available in the target language. To change the language, access your Conversational Cloud profile, click My Details, and change the Language setting.
Context-aware help
Use the context-aware links to quickly access the relevant section in the Developer Center. Conversation Builder support is now easily found in the Developer Center because in many Conversational AI applications, such as Conversation Builder and KnowledgeAI, the help links are now "context aware" – meaning the links change based on the specific Conversational AI application that you're currently in. In the near future, we will roll this out to even more Conversational AI applications.
Fixes to post-conversation survey (PCS) bots
- When performing the Migrate to Conversation Builder operation (to switch from Bot Studio to Conversation Builder), the migration no longer times out if the number of users involved is very high (20,000+). The timeout has been increased to accommodate such numbers.
- Previously, if a bot developer created a post-conversation bot that contained a Universal interaction, the interaction was not displayed to the consumer. This has been fixed; the interaction is now displayed to the consumer.
Text search has improved
Improved text searches performance. For example, consumer messages that include words like “connection” or “connective” will now yield matches to other forms like “connect,” “connections,” etc.
User interface in Brazilian Portuguese
The user interface is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. All copy within the interface (labels, error messages, etc.) is available in the target language. To change the language, access your Conversational Cloud profile, click My Details, and change the Language setting.