Week of June 5th

New Updates include: Generative Insights, Agent Workspace updates, Chat Product Streamlining

Exact delivery dates may vary, and brands may therefore not have immediate access to all features on the date of publication. Please contact your LivePerson account team for the exact dates on which you will have access to the features.

The timing and scope of these features or functionalities remain at the sole discretion of LivePerson and are subject to change.

Generative Insights


Generative insights UI panel

In our ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience of Generative Insights, we have implemented minor updates to the UI panel. These changes aim to streamline the discovery process and provide users with more intuitive navigation.


Question History:
- The user’s question history will remain available on the Gen Insights UI and will not be reset at 12 AM EST.
- This feature allows users to track their previous questions and review corresponding responses.

Question Management:
- Users now have the ability to manage their question history directly within the UI panel.
- They can select a question from the list and choose the delete option to remove it from their history.


These updates aim to empower users with better visibility and control over their question history within Generative Insights. By enabling users to review past interactions and manage their question lists, we aim to enhance the overall usability and efficiency of the platform.


User Question limitation

Effective immediately, there is a revision to the question limitation policy for users. Previously, users were restricted to 20 questions per day, reset at 12 am EST. To better accommodate varying usage patterns, we have updated the question cap mechanism.

  • The question cap is now set to 20 questions within a 3-hour timeframe.
  • This 3-hour period begins upon the submission of the user's first question and automatically resets after the duration passes.
  • Due to the dynamic nature of the 3-hour time frame for each user, the display of remaining questions and time left until the question reset has been removed.
  • If a user exceeds this limit within the designated timeframe, they will receive an error message notifying them of the restriction.

Generative Insights


Generative Insights Enablement via Management Console


LivePerson offers a free trial period for Generative Insights, allowing users to explore and evaluate the product before making a purchase. To streamline this process, we've introduced a dedicated enablement page on the Management Console.


  • Introduced the 'Generative Insights Enablement' page on the Management Console.
  • Users can now accept the Free Trial Consent on the Generative Insights enablement page, granting access to the GI feature for a duration of 30 days.
  • Following the expiration of the 30-day trial period, the feature will be automatically disabled. To proceed with the purchase, brands are encouraged to contact the LP account team.
  • Upon purchase, the status 'Active' will be displayed on the Generative Insights Enablement page in the Management Console.

Please note, Brands must ensure the acceptance and activation of the following Generative Insights prerequisites: 

  • Acceptance of the LLM terms.
  • Activation of Intent Analyzer.

Agent Workspace


 Transfer & Event Audit Trail - Agent Workspace 

The 'Transfer & Event Audit Trail' feature has been improved to better support agent identification and conversation tracking. These enhancements ensure more precise and more comprehensive audit trails.

Key Enhancements:

  • Full Agent Names Displayed: The audit trail now includes agents' first and last names, facilitating accurate identification.
  • Closure Events Detailed: The audit trail now specifies whether a conversation was closed by an agent, consumer, or system.

Agent Workspace


Infinite Scroll for Conversation History - Agent Workspace

The new infinite scroll feature allows agents to load older messages seamlessly while navigating conversations, improving efficiency and user experience. Infinite scrolling eliminates the need for manual clicks to load additional messages, streamlining the workflow for agents and enhancing overall productivity.

Key Enhancements:

  • Less Clicks and Automatic Message Retrieval: Messages load automatically as agents reach the end of the current view.
  • Smooth Transition: Ensures a continuous and uninterrupted scroll experience.
  • Loading Indicator: Displays a loading indicator during message retrieval.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimized for system efficiency and responsiveness.



Chat Workspace Update: Product Streamlining

  • The Chat Workspace(Agent Workspace for Chat) would be renamed to Web Visitors for non-chat accounts. 
  • Starting June 22, users on non-chat accounts (accounts that have not used chat for the past 30 days) will not have the Agent Workspace for chat available on their navigation bar. Instead, the Web Visitors module will be available. The Agents and Web History tab will be removed.

The exact date will depend on your account type. Please refer to the Announcement pop-up in the Agent workspace for Chat for the specific date.

  • Replacement of functionality: For customers using the Chat Workspace to track agents availability, there is an option to add the agents a unique permission so they have limited access to the Manager Workspace.
    • The brand can enable this by navigating to Management Console > Agent Manager View For Agents and clicking activate. 
    • Also Brand can configure based on permission post above activation. The permission View list of agents in the group is available on the Agents profile through the User Management area.

Manager Workspace Unique View for Agents:


If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your account team.


Manager Workspace Unique View for Agents