TCC Failover Commands

    The following commands are available starting from TCC version 5.9.0 and can be sent to the primary TCC to perform some basic failover functions. You will need to replace the port number in the command with the port of your failover server.

    Table 1. TCC Failover Commands

    curl http://localhost:8080/api/internal/command?command=failoverandstopFails over to the secondary server and stops TCC on the primary.
    curl http://localhost:8080/api/internal/command?command=failbackPromotes the primary TCC back to primary and puts the secondary back on standby. The primary TCC must have the TCC service started before this command will work.
    curl http://localhost:8080/api/internal/command?command=restartdontfailoverRestarts the primary TCC without failing over to the secondary.

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