Install the Tenfold Embedded Application for Zendesk

Overview: This article provides a walkthrough for installing Tenfold’s Embedded UI for Zendesk with two options, Marketplace or Manage (upload private app). Only one of the two options would be used for installing the embedded UI. Most of the time you will install from the MarketPlace, but pre-released and company-specific installations may be provided and will need to be installed via Manage (upload private app).

    Option 1: Install from the Marketplace

    Access Admin settings in Zendesk:

    Navigate to APPS –> Marketplace Zendesk “” in the search text box enter Tenfold, Tenfold Embedded applications will display and double click to get installation page.

    Title: Enter how you want the title bar to appear to users using the Tenfold Embedded UI.


    Application URL*: and this is configurable to allow customers to specify version control i.e.

    Zendesk Username:

    Must be the same username configured in the Tenfold Dashboard under the settings Company settings –> CRM

    Zendesk Password:

    Must be the same password in Tenfold dashboard under Company settings àCRM

    Enable role restrictions?: drop-down to pull roles from Zendesk

    Enable group restrictions?: drop-down to display groups from Zendesk

    Click Install and the application will appear in the currently installed apps and will display in Zendesk


    Option 2: Install via Manage (upload private app)

    Access Admin settings in Zendesk:

    Navigate to APPS –> Marketplace Zendesk “” in the search text box enter Tenfold, Tenfold Embedded applications will display and double click to get installation page.

    Title: Enter how you want the title bar to appear to users using the Tenfold Embedded UI.


    Application URL*: and this is configurable to allow customers to specify version control i.e.

    Zendesk Username:

    Must be the same username configured in the Tenfold Dashboard under the settings Company settings –> CRM

    Zendesk Password:

    Must be the same password in Tenfold dashboard under Company settings àCRM

    Enable role restrictions?: drop-down to pull roles from Zendesk

    Enable group restrictions?: drop-down to display groups from Zendesk

    Click Install and the application will appear in the currently installed apps and will display in Zendesk


    Option 2: Install via Manage (upload private app)

    • Requires the actual zip file of the Zendesk embedded code
    • Access Zendesk Admin Settings
    • APPS >Manage >Private Apps >Upload private app
    • Enter App Name (This will display in the embedded apps title bar)
    • Choose File and browse to the zip file.
    • Select Upload

    • Click Upload on Zendesk MarketPlace Terms of use warning dialog box.

    Title: Enter how you want the title bar to appear to users using the Tenfold Embedded UI.


    Application URL*: and this is configurable to allow customers to specify version control i.e.

    Zendesk Username:

    Must be the same username configured in the Tenfold Dashboard under the settings Company settings –> CRM

    Zendesk Password:

    Must be the same password in Tenfold dashboard under Company settings àCRM

    Enable role restrictions?: drop down to pull roles from Zendesk

    Enable group restrictions?: drop down of groups from Zendesk

    Click Install and the application will appear in the currently installed apps and will display in Zendesk



    My Apps displaying Currently installed from Market Place


    View of Zendesk Embedded UI after successful install


    My Apps displaying currently installed Private Applications


    Zendesk Talk API

    Talk Partner Edition is required to use the Tenfold embeddable UI and supports pagination control. Pagination control allows the Tenfold embeddable UI to display the navigation in one window vs multiple pages during the call journey.

    To verify your licensing of Talk Partner Edition, Navigate to AdminàSubscription and you will be navigated to your subscription landing page. Click on Billing and you will see the number of licenses you have for Talk Partner Edition.


    Zendesk UI 

    Missing Something?

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