Create a Tenfold Reporting Dashboard inside (SFDC)

Create a Tenfold Reporting Dashboard inside (SFDC)


    Many of the analytics available in the Tenfold Dashboard Analytics tab can be replicated within Salesforce in order to integrate your Tenfold reporting with your existing Salesforce reports/dashboards.

    Tenfold pushes information such as call duration, the User who was on the call, and what time the call took place back to Salesforce via Task objects. You can utilize this data when creating reports to mimic the analytics in the Tenfold Dashboard.

    In order to create a dashboard like the below image, follow the instructions in this documentation to create the individual reports. Once the reports are created, you can add them to an existing or new dashboard within Salesforce.


    • Access to create Salesforce Reports and Dashboards
    • Read access to the Task and Activity Objects
    • For the Tenfold Calls by Hour report: Permissions to create a custom field on the Activity Object
    • For the Opportunities with Tenfold Report: Create a Opportunities with Activities Report Type




    Tenfold Calls and Average Call Time by User


    • Report Type: Tasks and Events
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Activities
      • Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Show: Open & Completed Activities
      • Show: Tasks and Events
      • Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
    • Columns:
      • # Call Duration - Select your preferred time unit
      • # Task
      • Any additional columns you would like to display
    • Group by: Assigned
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Column
      • X-Axis: Assigned
      • Y-Axis: Sum of Task
      • + Measure: Average Call Duration
        • Plot as Line Chart
        • Plot on Second Axis

    Tenfold Outbound Calls by User


    • Report Type: Tasks and Events
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Activities
      • Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Show: Open & Completed Activities
      • Show: Tasks and Events
      • Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
      • Call Type: equals Outbound
    • Columns:
      • # Call Duration - Select your preferred time unit
      • # Task
      • Any additional columns you would like to display
    • Group by: Assigned
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Column
      • X-Axis: Assigned
      • Y-Axis: Sum of Task
      • + Measure: Average Call Duration
        • Plot as Line Chart
        • Plot on Second Axis

    Tenfold Inbound Calls by User


    • Report Type: Tasks and Events
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Activities
      • Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Show: Open & Completed Activities
      • Show: Tasks and Events
      • Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
      • Call Type: equals Inbound
    • Columns:
      • # Call Duration - Select your preferred time unit
      • # Task
      • Any additional columns you would like to display
    • Group by: Assigned
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Column
      • X-Axis: Assigned
      • Y-Axis: Sum of Task
      • + Measure: Average Call Duration
        • Plot as Line Chart
        • Plot on Second Axis

    Tenfold Connected Calls by User


    • Report Type: Tasks and Events
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Activities
      • Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Show: Open & Completed Activities
      • Show: Tasks and Events
      • Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
      • Call Duration (seconds): Greater than 90 seconds (Change call length to match organization requirements)
    • Columns:
      • # Call Duration - Select your preferred time unit
      • # Task
      • Any additional columns you would like to display
    • Group by: Assigned
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Column
      • X-Axis: Assigned
      • Y-Axis: Sum of Task
      • + Measure: Average Call Duration
        • Plot as Line Chart
        • Plot on Second Axis

    Tenfold Calls by Hour


    Prerequisite: Create a custom field on the Activity object in order to parse the hour information from the date field you would like to use (Ex. Due Date/Time, Created Date/Time). For this documentation, that field will be called “Hour of Due Date” which is taking the Hour value from a Due_DateTime__c field.

    Create a Formula(Number) field that parses the HOUR value from the Due_DateTime__c field. Like this:

    VALUE(MID (TEXT (Due_DateTime__c), 12, 2))

    Keep in mind that Created and LastModified are stored in GMT, so you'll need to convert to your Local Time +/- 0.0417 for each hour

    Example: VALUE(MID (TEXT (Due_DateTime__c - 0.1667), 12, 2))

    • Report Type: Tasks and Events
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Activities
      • Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Show: Open & Completed Activities
      • Show: Tasks and Events
      • Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
    • Columns:
      • Any additional columns you would like to display
    • Group by:
      • Hour of Due Date (See Prerequisite)
      • Call Type
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Stacked Column
      • X-Axis: Hour of Due Date
      • Y-Axis: Record Count
      • Stack By: Call Type

    Opportunities with Tenfold


    Prerequisite: Create a new report type for Opportunities with Activities.

    1. Navigate to the Salesforce “Setup” menu
    2. Use the quick find box to navigate to “Report Types”
    3. Click “New Custom Report Type”
    • Primary Object: Opportunities
    • Report Type Label: Opportunities with Activities
    • Store in Category: Opportunities
    • Deployment Stage: Deployed
    • See below image for Step 2

    • Save your new Report Type

    The Opportunities with Activities report type will allow you to add Tenfold activity metrics from related Tenfold calls to Opportunity reports. For this example, we added the Sum of call times to a report which is showing the number of opportunities by user. To filter to only opportunities that have an associated Tenfold task, use the filter: Task Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC.

    • Report Type: Opportunities with Activities
    • Filters:
      • Show Me: All Opportunities Under CEO (For full company reporting)
      • Created Date: Your Desired Time Range
      • Task Subject: Starts with IBC, OBC
    • Columns:
      • Stage
      • Account Name: Account Name
      • Opportunity Name
      • Task Subject
      • Task Duration
    • Group by:
      • Opportunity Owner: Full Name
    • Chart Preferences:
      • Display As: Column
      • X-Axis: Opportunity Owner: Full Name
      • Y-Axis: Record Count
      • + Measure: Sum of Call Duration
        • Plot as Line Chart
        • Plot on Second Axis

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.