Advanced Click to Dial

    Customize Click to Dial for your organization

    Advanced Click to Dial gives you additional options for hyperlinking numbers in your CRM. Choose Loose Mode to change all numbers to clickable dialing hyperlinks, or Strict Mode, so that only phone numbers display with click-to-dial functionality.

    Advanced Click to Dial: General

    Configuring Advanced Click-to-Dial allows you to be more selective in identifying the types of numbers you would like Tenfold to hyperlink (make click-to-dial capable) in your CRM. The following steps outline the configuration process for general and Salesforce specific feature configuration:


    1. Navigate to your Tenfold Dashboard.
    2. Select the Features tab and locate 'Advanced Click-to-Dial' in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
    3. Toggle the pill button in the top right corner to Enable/Disable the feature.

    Advanced Click to Dial: Salesforce


    Loose and Strict refers to Click-to-Dial parsing or, in other words, how Tenfold hyperlinks numbers. Loose mode and Strict mode are only supported for customers leveraging Salesforce integrations. If you are leveraging an alternate CRM integration, skip to Advanced Click-to-Dial: all other CRMs, below.

    • Loose Mode: Select to hyperlink (make click-to-dial capable) all numbers in the CRM, whether or not they are located in a phone field. NOTE: It is possible that numbers other than phone numbers, including tracking numbers, quoted numbers, or order numbers, may be hyperlinked as well.
    • Strict Mode: Select to hyperlink (make click-to-dial capable) only those numbers located in the phone number fields. NOTE: Strict mode minimizes the potential for irrelevant numbers, such as tracking numbers, quoted numbers, or order numbers, to be hyperlinked in error, but it prevents all numbers outside of the phone fields from being hyperlinked.

    As with all changes made to feature configuration, always remember to scroll to the bottom and click Save.

    CTI Click to Dial Interceptor

    When configuring Advanced Click-to-Dial for a Salesforce integration, it is important to understand that the Tenfold Click-to-Dial extension has a parser, and so does the OpenCTI User Interface. On rare occasion, third-party solutions may block Tenfold Click-to-Dial requests. Enabling the Interceptor can help alleviate this behavior.

    NOTE: The CTI Click-to-Dial Interceptor is only be visible if you are leveraging a Salesforce integration. This behavior may occur if both the Tenfold Chrome Extension and Tenfold OpenCTI in parallel.

    As with all changes made to feature configuration, always remember to scroll to the bottom and click Save.

    Advanced Click-to-Dial: all other CRMs

    If you are leveraging an integration with a CRM other than Salesforce, use the following instructions to configure Advanced Click-to-Dial.

    Allowed Domains

    To restrict the domains Click to Dial parsing can affect, add domains to this list. Click to Dial will be restricted to only these sites.

    1. Scroll to Configure the Click to Dial Advanced for Your Organization.
    2. Under Allowed Domains (white list), add the domains to globally parse for phone numbers with the Personal Web Agent UI and CTD Chrome Extension UI.
    3. Click Add to include additional domains (click Remove to delete a domain entry).

    As with all changes made to feature configuration, always remember to scroll to the bottom and click Save.

    Denied Domains

    To prevent Click to Dial from parsing certain sites, add the domains to this list. Click to Dial will not parse on the specified sites but will parse on all others.

    1. Under Denied domains (black list), add all domains to never parse for phone numbers with the Personal Web Agent UI and CTD Chrome Extension UI.
    2. Click Add to include additional domains (click Remove to delete a domain entry).

    As with all changes made to feature configuration, always remember to scroll to the bottom and click Save.

    +Sign Configuration

    Depending on your phone system configuration, you may need to Enable or Disable these settings:

    • Keep the first plus signal when performing CTD requests
    • Keep The plus signal for custom caller id

    As with all changes made to feature configuration, always remember to scroll to the bottom and click Save.

    Missing Something?

    Check out our Developer Center for more in-depth documentation. Please share your documentation feedback with us using the feedback button. We'd be happy to hear from you.