Week of Jan 29th
Updates include: Agent Workspace & WhatsApp Connector
Pin Conversations
We are excited to introduce the Pin Conversations feature in the communication platform. This feature allows agents to prioritize and effortlessly access important conversations, improving workflow efficiency and productivity.

Pin Conversation
Key Highlights:
- Pin and Unpin Conversations: Agents can pin important conversations by clicking the Pin Conversation icon next to each conversation in the conversation list, which toggles the pinned status of the conversation.
- Enhanced Organization: The pinned conversations are visually distinguished from unpinned conversations, which appear at the top of the conversation list or in a dedicated pinned section for easy access.
- Cross-Session Persistence: The pinned status is retained across sessions and devices, ensuring a seamless experience for agents.
- Intuitive Design: The pinning functionality is user-friendly and requires minimal training, making it easy for agents to discover and use.
This feature can be enabled in the Management Console. Simply search for the keyword "Agent Workspace" in the search bar, and toggle the setting shown below to enable it.

Widget Visibility Management
We are introducing a Widget Visibility Management feature that enables agents to personalize their workspaces by managing the visibility of widgets based on their current needs. This update empowers agents to customize their workspaces, improving their focus and efficiency by displaying only the widgets relevant to their tasks.

Widget Visibility
Key Highlights:
- Widget Hamburger Menu: The Widget Actions icon (hamburger menu) is located in the top-right corner of each widget. The menu provides an option to Hide the widget, allowing agents to remove unnecessary widgets from their view.
- Hide Confirmation Popup: When hiding a widget, a confirmation popup ensures that the action is intentional.
- Visual Indication for Hidden Widgets: The hidden widgets are represented by a greyed-out icon in the top widget list. The icon also includes a visual cue (e.g., an eye icon with a slash) to indicate the hidden status.
- Re-enable Hidden Widgets: Agents can restore hidden widgets by clicking the greyed-out icon in the top widget list. A confirmation popup appears, asking if they want to display the widget back.
- Sticky Widget States: Widget visibility settings (open, closed, or hidden) are retained across sessions for the same agent.
This feature can be enabled in the Management Console. Simply search for the keyword "Agent Workspace" in the search bar, and toggle the setting shown below to enable it.

Increased Character Limit for Agent Summary Notes
We have enhanced the Summary Notes functionality to provide agents with greater flexibility when generating detailed summaries.

Agent Summary Notes
Key Highlights:
- Increased Character Limit: The character limit for agent summary notes is increased from 5000 characters to 10,000 characters at the account level. This change ensures agents to generate more comprehensive notes without interruptions.
- Customizable Character Limit: Administrators can set the character limit with the following parameters:
- Default value: 5000 characters
- Minimum value: 5000 characters
- Maximum value: 10,000 characters
This setting is available in the Management Console. Simply search for the keyword "Agent Workspace" in the search bar, and update the setting shown below.

- Improved Error Messaging: A clear and specific error message is displayed directly in the agent workspace when a note exceeds the character limit. The message explicitly states that the note length limit has been reached, enhancing visibility and helping agents understand and resolve the issue more effectively.
For further assistance or to configure the new settings, contact your administrator or support team.
WhatsApp Self Service for Applying a New Display Name
We are excited to announce that brands are now allowed to apply a business name change on WhatsApp channel within the Self Service via Channel Setup on the CCUI.
Updating the display name on WhatsApp is a two-step process:
1. In WhatsApp Business Manager:
- Log in to your WhatsApp Business Manager account.
- Select the relevant account and phone number.
- Navigate to Profile and click Edit Display Name.
- Once your name change request is approved, proceed to the next step.
2. In CCUI:
- Log in to CCUI.
- Go to Manage >Channel Setup > WhatsApp.
- Locate the relevant card and click Apply.

WhatsApp Apply Name Change / Report Issue
- For brands that do not own their WABA, please contact your LP representative. You can then proceed directly to step 2 in CCUI.
- The certificate for the new display name is only available for 14 days. If the certificate expires, you'll need to submit the display name for review again by Meta.
- If the user didn’t Apply the name change after 14 days > the Apply/Report button will disappear and the user will need to update the name again on their WABA.
- Brands can change their display names up to 10 times in a 30 day period.
Note: Please note that if your name change request has not been fully approved by Meta, you can click "Report Issue," and we will initiate a support ticket with Meta.